Sunday, January 11, 2009

A New Year

I just wanted to publish a few ideas I have had over the last month or so. It has been quite interesting. With the economy fumbling along and our future uncertain it has definitely left me thinking more about preparedeness. I was also hit with the reality of how fragile our food supply can be. During the recent snow storm in Decemeber I with about thousands of other shoppers made our way to Fred Meyers. Here is a huge store with an almost unlimited amount of food. What I found was they were completly sold out of not just one item but many items they were completly cleaned out. It made me realize that any small catastrophe can really disrupt the flow of produce to our stores. Imagine what a large one could do. The words of be prepared have never been truer. Kari and I are really looking at what we can do to work on our preparation. It seems to take a long time but at the present Kari and I have never had such a large food storage. Where not there yet. Apparently, it keep being eaten up by seven hungry children. But when are getting better prepared. I hope we can all become a little better prepared this year. Good luck and may God Bless. Don

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